Tokyo Day 13: haisuinonasa / Cromatic 10 goku / hehishimism

Went to 3 shows in one night.Sorry I'm so behind in my posts/show reviews. The posts take a long time to write up (since I include pics and upload/add youtube clips). I'm really busy so the editting of posts with full show reviews will take time to finish. (Don't want to spend too much time in japan behind a laptop).

Tonight (Dec 23) I'll be splitting my time between another 3 shows:

Shibuya LUSH: viridian (18:00-18:30), Komina Yasuha (18:45-19:15) Kichijoji WARP: DODDODO (19:45-20:15) back to Shibuya LUSH: N'Shukagawa Boys @ 21:00 Shibuya Kinoto: talk to Nakano Pierre of Rin Toshite Shigure and hopefully catch his side-band Chaotic Speed King perform

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