I'm back in Toronto !!
Due to a combination of jetlag, sleep deprivation and alcohol intoxication I haven't been able to set aside enough time to write a proper post.Saw some incredible shows while I was in Japan.
Hung out with Natsumen at Studio Circle Sounds. They've finished recording the new album!! AxSxEx still needs to finish mixing/mastering but it's almost certain the new CD will be released on time in September leading up to NMFT vol 3 in October.
Got chosen to be one of the "main characters" in グーミ's 1st official PV. hahaha. It's for the song "地球はまるい" There were > 30 of us who starred in the video including Vish from Toronto!! He's teaching English in Japan and discovered グーミvia the Next Music from Tokyo tour.
I have a TON of awesome HD video footage from the shows I went to, especially of チーナ and hyacca. I'll post more about my trip with pics and vids in the next few days.
Lately however, I've been extremely busy with work. Also, I had to speed-design a flyer to hand out at the Canadian premiere of the awesome film documnetary "Live from Tokyo" which will be showing in Vancouver this Saturday. Anyone interested in Japanese indie music MUST see this film. I'm flying all the way from Toronto to watch the film on Saturday! I asked the director and curator if I could give a quick plug for NMFT vol 3 during the screening and though I'm not 100% certain but somehow I think I ended up having to give an introductory speech for the film! Yikes. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to recruit some people to create a Vancouver street team for NMFT vol 3. I'll bring some Cds and T-shirts to give away. I'm pretty sure the Canucks don't have a game on Saturday so if you can make it to Pacific Cinematheque 7pm, please come and watch a truly great film with some of the best bands in Tokyo's underground music scene.